This is my second trainingre-boot in two months and that has me thinking prudence for the current two weeks. I tried following the coach’s suggestion of “14 activities in the first 14 days” after the Boulder IM.I did nothing the first five days, then one-a-days the next five: weights, 1.5 hr bike, 45′ OWS, weights, 20′ run. A swim, a run, and two bikes the next two days here in Vermont, which put me on track to get back in the mix by next week.
For strength and core training, I have this straegy: 4-6 days/week of stretching, and stretch cord work on hips, and weighted squats (40-50#). 3 x a week in weight room, 35′: Pull downs, press, leg Ad-& ab-ductors, seated leg press, leg curls, delts, reverse curls, curls.
Running: ” Your knee is your coach”. My goal is daily short runs (3-5 mi), 4-5/week, with one long run starting @ one hour building weekly by 10-15 minutes, and 0-1 interval session/week testing the limits of my knee. I need to be aware that putting shorter runs after weight sessions is not a good idea, and within 24-30 hours after long or hard run it’s also not so good. Also, I still wonder about the risk/reward of bricks during training. I shied away from them this past cycle, and wonder if that had a good or bad effect come race day. I was only doing 22-3 miles average (28 max) per week, and think that also may have been an issue come race day.
But ultimately, a different race day strategy might be an answer…longer walks of 60-90 seconds from the start in aid stations?
Here’s how I envision July: one weekly bike on Zwift, a hard race or wko; OR sprint or Oly Tri. I do not see the need for any taper before USAT Nats, as qualifying is the only goal, and that is a given IMO. Day of travel, and day to register should be enough pre-race rest. The race is on Saturday; I’m expecting travel + two days easy (weights, swim) ought to be enough after, for a one week hole in my training plan.
Beyond that, I’m not ready to detail my expectations, but I suspect that volume will become the focus.
My number one goal for Kona is to be running all the way to the top of Palani (mile 25) having only walked aid stations. Everything else is subservient to that. E.g., they allow us 70+ athletes to wear a wet suit, and I intend to take advantage of that via either my DeSoto Speed Tube or bib john, even though it means I won’t qualify for the podium.
And as of now, I have drawn an Iron Curtain after Kona in my mind, and will not think about whether or how to do IM AZ until after I get back to the Mainland. So I assume this is my last IM, and want to honor that, not let myself down.