George Stephanopolous is interviewing the President on Friday. Here’s what I want to see on ABC tomorrow:
George S.: Mr. President, what do you say to the millions of loyal Democrats who are asking you – begging you – to end your campaign for a second term?
Pres. Biden: George, here’s the way I see it. Nothing is more important right now for America – for the world – than ensuring our country’s proud democracy and leadership remains at the high level we’ve enjoyed for over two hundred years. I’ve devoted my life, my entire life, to serve that goal.
George S.: So you’re saying…
Biden – Look, here’s the deal. I know I can do the job for America. But I have to stay here to do that. And I know I can’t, I can’t be the President I want to be. So I’m going to ask the Committee, the DNC, the [slurring his words] Democratic Nashul Committee, to make a promise…make a process, to find a new candidate, a strong candidate, to carry our banner, the torch of democracy, in the election. [Pauses, stares grimacing at the interviewer]George S.: So who should pick up that torch?Biden: We’ve got a bench, a good bench. Many men…and women, women, too, who can do that, do that job. I’m want the Democrats to see them, to hear them, and nominate a strong one at the convention in August, this August…