Monthly Archives: October 2012

Ironman World Championships [aka Kona] 2012

One of the songs on my pre-race playlist since 2001 has been U2’s “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For.” I don’t know what it is that I’ve actually *found*, but I’m more at peace now than at any time during that whole adventure. Continue reading

Posted in Hawaii Stories, Injuries and Recovery, Races, Triathlon Central | 1 Comment

The Orange Tribe

I can feel the stiff breeze coming in from the northwest, bringing soft little specks of rain. One lone lighhtening flash plays of the coast near Captain Cook to the South. I almost feel at home here. Continue reading

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Tuesday Morning, Coming Down

“Cheryl, look, there’s a whole pod of dolphins out there!”. Cheryl had brought the binoculars with her, arriving last night (3.5 hours late; another story). “Where?” “Out there, directly past the stand-up paddler, by the orange buoys.” At least 10 … Continue reading

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Sunset 10/5/2012

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Kawaihae is a dirty little place, and I seem more snake bit by it than usual this year. Situated at the crossroads east to Waimea and the road upcountry over to the Hilo side of the Island, south to the … Continue reading

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Turnaround @ Sunset

The red dot is the turnaround for the IM swim … just 100 meters up from my condo.

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Sunset, 10/3/2012

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The Boogeyman

Before I was a triathlete, I was a mountain biker. As a matter of fact, my tradition of coming to Hawaii in October for a triathlon World Championship started in 2000, when I first signed up for the Xterra race … Continue reading

Posted in Hawaii Stories, Training Diary, Triathlon Central | 1 Comment


September 29th, 2010. I’m lying in a grotesquely uncomfortable hospital bed, which seems to purr and vibrate whenever I try to move, attempting to prevent bedsores, I guess. I’m preparing questions for the doctor’s morning rounds, questions I want to … Continue reading

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