Monthly Archives: July 2024

The Heart in Winter, by Kevin Barry

Tom Rourke and Polly Gillespie meet in a photography studio in Butte, Mt during its early mining boom at the end of the 19th century, a raucous town filled with bars and other distractions. Tom’s are drink, dope, and writing … Continue reading

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Are Doctors Too Poor?

The Bloomberg charity has given a billion dollars to Johns Hopkins to make medical school free for its students. This gift is misguided. Has no one noticed we don’t have enough doctors in this country??? What we need is not … Continue reading

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Harry & Ida – Chapter 1.ii

[First draft!] The next morning after breakfast,  Grace took Ida and Gretchen upstairs. After making sure their faces and hands were washed, she told them to put on their church dresses and come out into the hall. “Girls, Weeda wants to … Continue reading

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Say It Ain’t So, Joe!

George Stephanopolous is interviewing the President on Friday. Here’s what I want to see on ABC tomorrow: George S.: Mr. President, what do you say to the millions of loyal Democrats who are asking you – begging you – to … Continue reading

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Harry & Ida, Chapter 1.i

[FIRST DRAFT – corrections and further edits probable] Ida swung gently in the double swing suspended at the bend of the porch. The sweet scent of lavender soap her mother Grace had washed with that morning drifted with in from … Continue reading

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