Monthly Archives: April 2014

Boston Marathon – The Race

All over town, transit stops were plastered with pictures of America’s premier distance runner, Med Keflezighi. The nearly 39 year-old Eritrean-born 2004 Olympic silver medalist was presumed to be over the hill. The big shoe companies no longer came calling … Continue reading

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Boston Marathon (Friday)

The Boston Marathon is intoxicating. For a long weekend, an entire region merges with a sporting culture, the two intermingling into en experience like no other. Sure, you’ve done a big city marathon before, and, sure, you’ve been to many … Continue reading

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… peaceably to assemble

Easter Sunday, before Patriot’s Day, in Boston, MA. People are assembling freely, in peace, all over this crooked cradle of America. Today, in Old South for the Blessing of the Athletes, a scant block from where the first bomb went … Continue reading

Posted in Races, Training Diary | 1 Comment

Inside Llewyn Davis

Joel and Ethan Coen, like Garrison Keillor, are an American treasure. I speak of them in the singular, as they are a single unit, writing and directing 16 films together over the past 30 years. Their body of work includes … Continue reading

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But It’s a Dry Heat

Casa Tierra Adobe B&B snuggles into the delta fanning out below the Rincon Mountains west of Tucson. These rugged hills are home to Arizona’s best preserved Saguaro forest, in the eponymous National Park, and Pinal County’s Tucson Mountain Park. Also … Continue reading

Posted in Training Diary, Triathlon Central | 1 Comment

Night Film

Unravelling the mystery of why Ashley died is really not the driving force in this novel. Rather, it is the intriguing on-again, off-again interplay among the odd little group of private investigators. Bogart, Bacall, and Lorre they are not. Continue reading

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Dallas Buyers’ Club

Mcconaughey, after an interlude in a series of half-hearted romantic comedies, and seemingly on the way to lightweight oblivion while skating by on looks and charm, has returned to his early promise as an actor with the engagement and integrity of Paul Newman or Steve McQueen. Continue reading

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