IM Hawaii Build: Lessons from the Last War

Looking ahead to my next race, IM Hawaii, I would very much like to hit the same time I had in Lake Placid. Since it’s a non-wetsuit swim, that means anything I lose in the swim I’d need to make up on the run, which should be just about right. So what will it take in the next ten weeks, and on race day, to go about 13:05 there: 1:32/6:45/4:36. That swim is conservative, the bike is feasible, the run is a push. Given that, here’s what I need to be doing the next ten weeks:

  • Swim 4 days most weeks, going 10,000+ meters/week, following EN plan. This worked well in the IMLP build, I see no reason to change
  • Add some volume and climbing on my NEW road bike the first 5 weeks, then hone in on steady IM pace and race pace + efforts the final 3-4 weeks. I’d like to get 11+ hours a week biking, aiming for 2000 miles. In the 12 weeks before IM LP, I went 10.4 hours/week, 1750 miles.
  • More running consistency, moving from 3-4 runs a week to 5-6, with a demphasis on the long runs before Kona, only doing 1-2 over two hours but adding some two-a-days instead.

And, more important, what will I do different in the race?

  • I have to get over my reluctance to drink early in the bike. I’ll be using a speedfil aero bar bottle I’ve had for years, but never tried out before.
  • Lower power through Mauna Lani on the way out, then up the effort into the wind after the turn from Kawaihae.
  • Increased attention to cooling measures on the run.
  • Detail an aid station plan, similar to what Coach P did for IM TX this year. I need MORE fluids.
  • Avoid gel after Palani, and avoid Coke entirely. Late gels and coke have not been sitting well with me over the past 4 years.

One thing I learned trying to run a big enterprise a few decades ago: “Don’t make the mistake of re-fighting the last war.” Meaning, focus on the actual problems you *will* be facing, with the strength gained from previous setbacks.

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