Ashcroft/Castle Creek

Castle Creek – the road to Ashcroft and beyond – is the poor country cousin to its neighbor Maroon Creek, one valley to the west. The scenery is not quite as spectacular, with the climax peaks at the end of the road merely stunning, rather than jaw-droppingly world-class. But for pure cycling pleasure, this may be the better route.

The route starts from the same spot as Maroon Creek – the vacant bus depot next to the Aspen round-about. elevation there is about 7900’, aiming for about 9800’ 13 miles ahead. From bike path into Aspen, take the tunnel under the highway signed for Maroon Creek Road, et al. Zig zag up above the bus circle, going over Maroon Creek Road via a dedicated bike/ped bridge. At the three-way intersection, go sort of straight-ish, uphill, to a confusing sign noting the private nature of the road. Turn left here, and in about 25 yard, find the Hospital Trail to the right, just before Castle Creek Road.

Follow the Hospital Trail uphill, currently through a mass of construction. When the trail ends, turn right onto Castle Creek. From this spot, it is 12.65 miles to the road’s end at the Cooper trailhead.

Again, it’s impossible to get lost, but here is a catalog of the points of interest along the way. After a few miles, notice the Creek less than five feet away from pavement’s edge. A few more miles, and the grade shifts from steady 5-7% to a mile or so of flatter grade. Then, UP again. When you see the bear holding an address marker, you have just about topped out at Elk Mountain Lodge, overlooking “Beaver Valley” (my name, as the land here is filled with beaver ponds on your left). Note the view the lucky lodgers have of the Elk Mountains.

Watch out for road damage – frost heaves, potholes, deep seams – in the next, flattish mile. Then, drop down to the host town of Ashcroft and the winter XC site, “Ashcroft Ober Aspen”. Start the final climb of 6-7% grades through scattered aspen groves. When you hit the Pine Creek Cookhouse on the right (it may be open for lunch or snacks), the climbing is done. Time trial for another 3-4 minutes, and then watch out for more road damage as the last little bit of pavement scoots through a brush-y valley which often gets overrun by the creek in spring. Hit the interval button at the trailhead sign, then slow down and ease through the barrier for the last 100 yards to a little bridge over Castle Creek, where the pavement well and truly ends. Keep going on you mountain bike, and you may end up on Aspen Mountain, riding past small XC and hiking huts, or even cross over to Crested Butte.

Enjoy the view here, and hope the clouds you see don’t turn nasty in the next 30 minutes. Then, back to work, barreling down hill on a road which is just a *little* less steep than Maroon Creek, and so more amenable to aerobar riding and high speed coasting.

It’s all downhill to the junction with the Owl Creek trail, heading back to Snowmass, leaving the main trunk route just past Buttermilk under the highway, heading around the airport runway construction. Uphill for a final grind of 700 vertical feet in 15-20 minutes, to Owl Creek summit. Then, it’s the twisty up-and-down Snowmass Village trails.

When the trail gets to the Cathy Robinson playground/Little Red Schoolhouse, follow the trail to the right, across Owl Creek Road. Go Left, watching golfers down below on your right. Thru the Aspen and the condos (wave at the locals), across the two gravel patches, and into the Chapel parking lot. Stay to the right, and, past the Chapel, find the  Brush Creek Trail over a little bridge. Meander downhill to the Blue Topped SnowMass Villas, rising up to the intersection of Brush Creek Rd and Sinclair.

Take Sinclair uphill, past Meadow, and turn right onto Lemond Place. 3rd driveway on the left is 281.

Today’s ride: 45.75 miles, 3 hours, 10 minutes. Climb: 12.65 mi, IF (alt adjusted) 0.792, total TSS (again adjusted) 151.

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