Week 1: Indian Wells 70.3 Build

This is my first week of 12 for HIM prep>>La Quinta 70.3

After three weeks of transition from the Kona Kancel and the bladder surgery, I am back training, and my CTL is now where it was when I started the down time…103, with a TSB of -29 today and a ramp of 2, after a week of mostly cycling here in Snowmass. I have run shorter distances (3 miles) most days, and my knee(s) are recovering from the beating they took when I trail running a week ago Thursday. In the past 9 days, I have ridden 220 miles/15,600′, with no leg soreness, but a touch of tiredness. IMO, a good starting volume pop, but not getting into a hole.

With the recent rumors on changes to Kona (see: Messick @ St. George), I am hoping there WON’T be a race in February, which would make my life happier…I would get to ski more in Dec/Jan, would get a mid-winter break with Cheryl in Feb (we’ve got plane and Condo reservations for Feb 3-13, and have agreed to go there no matter what), and might even get to finally honor my  retirement from Ironman, which I announced June, 2019. In my life, I have moved on from long bike rides and  IM as my primary avocation, and am starting to see racing again at Kona as a chore, not a joy. As to whether I would race somewhere else in a “WC”, either February or later – that’ll depend on where and when, and where I’m at at the time.

After rides up the Fryingpan, Maroon/Castle Creeks, upper Independence Pass, and Snowmass+ Capitol Creeks this week, I’ll be mostly running Thurs-Sunday as I return home.

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